Hospital bed and a place for a newborn baby. High quality photo
Swing Bed Program
If you or a family member are on your way to recovery, but need a little extra care right now, the Swing Bed Program at Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital may be for you. This program may be the answer to your needs when you no longer need acute care services, but may need more help before you can care for yourself at home. As part of the Swing Bed program, you receive daily therapy to meet self-care goals set by you and the hospital's Swing Bed team. What is Swing Bed care like?
With the Swing Bed program, you and the Swing Bed Team will set rehab goals and work toward meeting those goals on a daily basis. Nursing care, wound care, physical, occupational and speech therapies, and respiratory care are all provided by licensed therapists under physical supervision.
The goal of the Swing Bed program is to provide short-term rehabilitation, allowing patients to attain independent ability with activities of daily living and mobility. NJRMH offers swing bed skilled care after surgery, joint replacement, and certain other medical conditions. The program assists patients in making the transition from acute care to home or long-term care.
The NJRMH Swing Bed staff is made up of a team of caring, qualified professionals who meet the needs of the patient and their family, respect the dignity of all, and promote quality care. Patients benefit from an interdisciplinary activity plan, discharge plan and care instructions for the patient and their family.
For more information, call 1-208-766-2231 Ext. 101 or email us at nasay@oneidahospital.com.